Wednesday, 16 September 2009

KIN Autumn Workshop 2009 - Intro

I've just arrived at Warwick Business School for the KIN Autumn Workshop 2009 - in plenty of time to get on the free wireless and have a coffee too, most unusual for me!

I'm going to try and semi-live blog to record my thoughts - obviously as KIN is a membership organisation I'll be self-censoring for any material that seems sensitive, but will try and capture insights and general opinions.

There's a good programme for the next couple of days so should be interesting - starting off with a session this morning on "Communities of Practice: A social discipline of learning", with Etienne Wenger - looking forward to it!

Admin note - I'm using "KIN_Autumn_2009" to tag all relevant posts here, and have created the Twitter hashtag #KINWorkshop for live tweeting during the event. Do get involved...

[EDIT] Over a month later now, and as you can probably tell my live blogging idea didn't really work! In the spirit of KM I'm going to write a post soon talking about why this was, and whether it's a problem. Stay tuned...

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